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The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

Pleasant print event. Come and get a print on your used clothes.
29.04.2023 1PM - 8PM @ Pleasant Nørrebro

Climate consciousness is spreading in Denmark. Many of our habits and daily choices, big and small, have gained a new perspective. But there is one specific part of our society, which potential is so overwhelming, that we have to talk about it. Meat production is the “elephant in the room” in the political debate. At our dinner tables, it is our meat consumption.

We are not journalists or experts. We are ordinary people who are interested in nature and society. We think meat can taste incredibly delicious. It has deep roots in our culture and eating habits. But like everything else in our society, it is important that we know the whole story. With this print, we would like to talk about the benefits of eating less meat.

Small but powerful benefits

Eating less meat will first and foremost save us from large amounts of CO2, methane, and other greenhouse gas emissions. It will also save water and minimise local emissions of nitrogen, which pollute many Danish lakes and streams.

Large and crucial benefits

If we dive further into the green transition, we see that the lack of land area is a decisive problem. Denmark is one of the world's most cultivated countries. Our protected nature accounts for a total of 2.5%. Our agriculture accounts for 60%, of which 75% is animal feed. Meat, especially beef, is a space-consuming product compared to plant-based food. For example, one kilogram of beef requires 326 m2. Chicken meat requires 12 m2, beans are under 8 m2, and potatoes are down to under 1 m2. Overall, we can reduce global agricultural land by 60% just by eating less meat. So, we don't need to completely avoid eating meat. Meat can be a by-product of primarily plant-based agriculture, and the framework for this already exists. What's not to love?

By releasing 60% of the land, we no longer lack space. But what should we use that space for? We agree with clever people in the following ideas.

Space for rewilding

Nature is the wildest CO2 vacuum cleaner, and with the released space, we can rewild land and at the same time strengthen biodiversity.

Space for solar and wind energy

We have a hard time agreeing on where to place the new green energy plants. The conversion of agriculture can benefit us in this discussion as well.

Space for organic farming

Organic farming is healthier for both humans and nature. It requires more space than conventional farming, and therefore organic farming also benefits from the transition.

We hope you will join us in talking about the elephant in the room.
Come to our print event in Pleasant Nørrebro on Saturday, April 29th from 1PM to 8PM.
Bring your used clothes and get an elephant printed that can start a conversation.

Danmarks Naturfredningsforening


Eating Our Way to Extinction
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