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Change culture not climate

Change culture not climate

Get a print on your used clothes.

Print 04 “Change culture not climate”.

09.09.2023 1PM - 8PM @ Pleasant Nørrebro.

Illustration and prints have always been a significant part of Pleasant's identity, and we would like to maintain that. That’s why we arrange print events in our store. Here we release a new print, which can be printed on used clothing. It's a way to revive old products and thereby extend their lifespan. It's also a way for us to produce prints on clothing without using new textile. Come along and be a part of the journey.

Print 04

Change culture not climate

Culture is a significant part of life. As much joy and meaning as it provides, culture can sometimes obstruct the changes needed to reduce the extent of the climate and nature crises. It causes an urge to provoke and create. We will continue to create art, with a story, that we believe needs to be heard. Here are our thoughts on “Change culture not climate.” In a poetic perspective (Danish).

Hej dig
Tak for dit nærvær
Midt i al larmen
Føl med hvis du kan

Vi kalder den lige
Det er sexet at køre god stil
Sympati og empati, god stil
Åbenhed og mod, god stil
Forståelse og respekt, god stil

Brug det på medmennesker og naturen, god stil

Lavt udledende oplevelser, god stil
Lavt udledende mad, god stil
Lavt udledende produkter, god stil
Lavt udledende hjem, god stil
Lavt udledende liv, god stil

Føler du også usikkerheden
Omkring vores verden
Føler du også håbet
En stor sund forandring

En magtfuld boomer praler
Danmark det grønne forgangsland
Aktivister og fagpersoner griner
Havde det bare været omvendt
Havde det føltes trygt
Og været så god stil

Stor sund forandring
Ja tak herfra
Hvad føler du?

Get a print on your used clothes
09.09.2023 1PM - 8PM @ Pleasant Nørrebro

Our print events are a collaboration with local screen printing talent Ice Screen Printing.

Following prints will be available during the event

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