Pleasant stories
Pleasant Nørrebro 10 år
Tak for en fantastisk fejring af vores 10 år på Stefansgade! 🎉 Det er vildt at tænke på, at det allerede er 10 år siden, vi åbnede vores lille tøjbutik...
Sammen med miljøorganisationen Strandet afvikler vi beach clean ups og laver skjorteknapper af havplast. Værdien i samarbejdet ligger i, at Strandet forpligter sig til at samle 1 kg strand affald...
Low emission luxury
Få et print på dit brugte tøj. Print 05 "Low emission luxury"24.11.2023 1PM - 8PM @ Pleasant Nørrebro. Black friday 2023 afholder vi print event i Pleasant Nørrebro. På denne dag...
Change culture not climate
Get a print on your used clothes. Print 04 “Change culture not climate”. 09.09.2023 1PM - 8PM @ Pleasant Nørrebro. Illustration and prints have always been a significant part of...
The Elephant in the Room
Pleasant print event. Come and get a print on your used clothes.29.04.2023 1PM - 8PM @ Pleasant Nørrebro Climate consciousness is spreading in Denmark. Many of our habits and daily...
Team Earth
"Team Earth" is about uniting the world with the mutual goal of reviving our planet and caring for its habitants. Released: 25.11.22
Has the world gone bananas
"Has the world gone bananas? Peace and climate justice please". The print is based on feelings of frustration that war is still a part of our modern world, and that focus...